Acne- Facts, causes and Prevention Tips


Acne is a provocative skin condition that causes spots and pimples, particularly on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.

It generally happens during adolescence, when the sebaceous organs actuate, yet it can happen at any age. It isn’t dangerous, yet it is likely to leave skin scars.

The glands form oil and stimulated by male hormones created by the adrenal organs in males and females.

Quick Facts About Acne

Here are a few facts about acne:

  • Acne is a skin sickness having oil glands at the root of the hair follicles.
  • It influences 3 out of 4 individuals at the ages of 11 to 30 years.
  • It isn’t perilous, yet it can leave skin scars.
  • Treatment relies upon how extreme and diligent it is.
  • Risky factors include hereditary qualities, the menstrual cycle, uneasiness and stress, hot and muggy atmospheres and utilizing oil-based cosmetics.


Human skin has pores that associate with oil glands under the skin. Follicles interface the organs to the pores. Follicles are little sacs that produce and emit fluid.

The glands produce a sleek fluid called sebum, which helps dead skin cells through the follicles to the outside of the skin. A little hair comes through the follicle outside the skin.

Acne forms when these follicles get blocked and oil develop under the skin.

Skin cells, sebum, and hair can cluster together into an attachment. This fitting gets contaminated with microbes and swelling results. A pimple begins to create when the attachment starts to break up.

Research proposes that the seriousness and recurrence of acne rely upon the strain of microorganisms. Not all acne microorganisms trigger pimples. One strain keeps the skin sans pimple.

Prevention and Management Tips

Here are a few hints for taking care of skin that has acne or is inclined to it:

  • Wash your face close to twice every day with warm water and gentle cleanser made particularly for acne.

Try not to scour the skin or squeeze acne (กดสิว, which is the term in Thai] as this may push the contamination further down, causing all the more blocking, swelling, and redness.

  • Abstain from squeezing pimples, as this makes scarring likelier.
  • Shun contacting the face.
  • Hold the phone far from the face when talking, as it is probably going to contain sebum and skin residue.
  • Wash hands regularly, particularly before applying creams, or cosmetics.
  • Clean eye shades usually as they gather sebum and skin residue.
  • If the acne is on the back, shoulders, or chest, wear loose clothing to give the skin a chance to breathe. Evade tight pieces of clothing, for example, headbands, tops, and scarves, or wash them regularly whenever used.
  • Pick cosmetics for delicate skin and keep away from oil-based items. Wash off cosmetics before sleeping.