These are the reasons why you need progressive lenses.


Many times, people who have more than one vision disorder face the embarrassment of switching between different pairs of eyeglasses. This is where Progressive lenses play the magic of providing comfort as well as clear vision without juggling between different glasses frames.  Progressive lenses are the breakthrough advent in the industry of prescription glasses.   Commonly known as the varifocal glasses, these glasses are helpful for those who are struggling to view clearly among the problem of eyesight disorders including both nearsightedness and farsightedness or myopia.

Progressive glasses or Varifocal Glasses

Progressive glasses or varifocal glasses consist of a multi-vision or multi-focal lens that is divided into different zones or portions. Whereby, each zone has separate prescription strength to correct the vision disorder of the user.  To be precise, the upper part of the progressive lens is helpful to correct distant vision defects that are nearsightedness, wherein the user is unable to focus and see the objects that are at distance. Say, for instance, a person with nearsightedness will not be able to see clearly the road-signs, trees, streetlight etc. while driving or walking on the road.  The power strength of the upper part of the varifocal lens is positive.

The lower part of the multi-focal lens is able to correct the nearby vision disorder that is farsightedness. Farsightedness is a condition when a person is unable to view objects that are close by. Therefore, it becomes difficult to focus while reading a newspaper or book, using mobile phone, doing needle-work, knitting etc.  Thus, the lower portion of the varifocal glasses have prescription strength in the lenses that are negative and are able to correct the focal point when viewing objects that are kept at distance.

The intermediate or the middle portion of the lenses helps the user to focus at objects that are neither placed close by nor very far. That is, to say, at a distance beyond arm’s length.  For instance, the distance at which you view your laptop or television.  The mid-part of the varifocal lenses consist of power strength that is negative and corrects the vision disorder at an intermediate distance.

Difference between Varifocal Glasses and Bifocal Glasses

Bifocal Glasses are the traditional glasses that have been used for the past few decades in correcting both the vision disorders i.e. nearsightedness as well as the farsightedness.  The upper part of the bifocal glasses correct the nearsightedness refraction error while the lower part is responsible to correct the refractive disorder associated with farsightedness. Apart from this, there is a clear line in the middle or little lower than the mid-section. This line differentiate the upper part of the bifocal lenses with the lower section of the lenses. The upper part has a negative power strength and the lower part has positive power strength. It can be said as the dual-focal lens i.e. the lens that corrects two different focal points. The upper part helps in viewing distance objects and the lower part corrects close by distance disorder.

On the other hand, as mentioned above, varifocal glasses consist of three different sections.  They are advanced glasses and are better than the bifocal lenses.

Is it possible to avail glasses lens replacement service?

Yes, you can avail glasses lens replacement service at Specscart, wherein you need to submit your old or existing pair of glasses and get glasses lens replacement and get varifocal glasses in return. This is done through the process of reglazing. Under this procedure, the technician removes the old lenses and inserts fresh varifocal lenses in the frame.  Besides, you get free of cost anti-UV, anti-glare and anti-scratch coating on the lenses. You can, however, choose to incorporate anti-blue light coating for effective computer usage without headache or eye-strain. All this at pretty affordable prices.


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