Things to Keep in Mind When Extracting a Wisdom Tooth


Unlike other teeth, wisdom teeth typically erupt in healthy persons between late adolescence and adulthood. The necessity for a third molar has diminished due to modern dietary habits that are more sophisticated. Impaction can also occur because our jaw sizes have shrunk during evolution, leaving less room for the teeth to emerge fully. Infection inside the tooth and in the tissues around it is highly likely, increasing the likelihood of extraction by a Kings Mountain general dentist. Get these things straight before you remove anything. 

  • Bring a friend; the anesthetic will not be the only thing causing you pain; the extent to which the extraction was painful will also determine how much suffering you may expect. Going on a visit alone is never a good idea. Also, you will not have to worry about driving home because of this.
  • The entire quadrant is numbed before the wisdom teeth extraction operation, which is performed under local anesthesia. The patient’s tongue and lips are numb during the procedure. So, it is likely that you will chew on your tongue and lip. Avoid this at all costs; many people injure themselves by chewing on their tongue or lip even though they do not feel any discomfort.
  • The amount of pain felt after an extraction, once the numbing effects of the anesthetic wear off, is directly proportional to the force of the extraction. It is recommended to take a pain reliever 30 to 40 minutes after the extraction is complete before the anesthesia wears off.
  • Nutrition: For the first two days, stick to a soft diet free of anything spicy, crunchy, or scorching. An ice cream cone is a tremendous post-extraction snack; you can keep eating it for a few days. Smoothies, yogurt, mashed veggies, milkshakes, and cooked rice are all healthy options.
  • Do not smoke for at least seven days after extraction if you have smoked. If a clot forms in the tooth socket, smoking can dislodge it due to the negative pressure it creates. The subsequent condition, known as dry socket, can be excruciating. Never smoke before, during, or after getting your wisdom teeth extracted.
  • A postoperative follow-up may be necessary, depending on the intricacy of the extraction. It is essential to schedule a timely appointment with your dentist to have the sutures removed, monitor the healing of the socket, and administer irrigation to the surgical site after surgery. Return to your regular dental hygiene routine as directed by your physician.

If you want your wisdom teeth extracted with more care than usual, it is best to listen to your dentist.