Web Application with the Help of Software, Cakephp and Codeigniter development Process


Software development is the process of research, creating, planning and development. Making things more easy and understandable is the aim of software development. Software engineer or software developers are well versed in programming language and understanding what customer exactly want. Software development life cycle can be designed under various methodology. Waterfall model, iterative model, spiral model, prototype model or rapid web application formation. The purpose of software designing is to make an application effective and user friendly. People prefer those web applications which takes less time in installation and easy to run.

Brief Comparison between software development and web development

Software development is generally very easy and simple. Web software development company aims at designing web applications for commercial use. Web designing industry uses graphical presentation and include web content. When software are designed for personal use the script in language could be simple. For web application designing software are designed by web developers which contains scripting language as php provides. Once you develop the software it doesn’t need to be hosted while web application need internet to be hosted. Software development aims at robust, desktop applications. For websites or web applications specific software need to be designed.

Software developed application are used for gaming sites or file management. Web applications have multi users so need data centralization.

Cakephp web development company

When web developers work upon php framework they can choose either serves i.e. side source network or open source network. Core php is server source network while cakephp is open source network. Cakephp provides pre built and pre tested codes. Cakephp allows to create organisable and re unusable codes. For complex web applications,cakephp provides easier tools for web developers.

Cakephp development company prefers cakephp as it provides hypertext processor and interpreter to convert complex code into machine code side by side. Cakephp works upon model view controller pattern. Model works as connector between view and controller. As controller gets request from user it converts data into understandable logical code. Cakephp developer can correct error without knowing the exact details of code.

Codeigniter web development company helps to create effective web pages

You can frame your website with perfect blend of technical expertise within your budget. The applications designed under codeigniter are enriched with features like speed up performance and organised documentation. Codeigniter web development company offers you web solutions which asks for least code writing. Codeigniter applications results in optimal and robust performance. The customisation and integration process of codeigniter is very simple. As the implementation process is easy under codeigniter so is deployment process.  This is a light weight framework which allows instant file configuration and error fixing. It’s easy to migrate applications from one server to other with the help of codeigniter as it’s an open source network.

The application development under codeigniter is featured rich and cost effective. Developers can use native functions of codeigniter along with third party app and frameworks. Codeigniter has built in library and MVC pattern which results in speed up development process.