What Is Directional Boring and All That You Should Know


Have you seen the process of modern installation of utility pipelines and similar conduits? Well, the entire jazz followed by underground boring contractors is referred to as directional boring. 

Well, this was not the case a few years back when the only way to install new pipes under the ground was to tear the ground apart and change the landscape. Luckily, these days, numerous agencies provide you services for directional boring  Dallas, TX,  

Read on as we understand directional boring and why you need it.

What is directional boring?

Also going by the name of horizontal directional drilling (HDD), is a methodology primarily used by companies in the telecommunications industry, to install underground piping and conduits along a definite trail from the top surface.

This process is done while ensuring the slightest disturbance to the surface and the surrounding areas. 

Why should we use directional boring?

Now comes the question, why should we use directional boring Dallas, TX? Well, there are several benefits to the implementation of this method. You will experience reduced traffic flow disruption during the process, for starters. 

There will be significant cost reduction when you compare directional boring to other techniques used for the same thing. Plus, you will also be able to get deeper and longer installation than different means. That too, without the pain of digging access pits and having shorter work times. 

Not just that, as you might know, Dallas is one of the most polluted cities in the USA for ozone air pollution and PM 2.5 pollution. And it has also failed to meet the country’s mandated levels for ozone days, 24-hour PM 2.5 pollution, and much more. On this account, using directional boring will ensure the negative environmental impact is much lower.

What does the process entail?

So, directional boring is a three-step process! Although it might look simple, you must opt for an agency that is conversant with these steps and performs well. The three steps have been listed down here for you to gain a deeper understanding of the process:

  1. The first step is to drill a pilot hole from one surface point to the next. This drilling will take place on the directional path
  2. Post drilling, this bore will be enlarged to a bigger diameter that shall allow the installation of the pipe as per the requirement
  3. Lastly, these pipelines are pulled in the hole. Because of this, a continuous segment of this pipeline is formed underground

Features of HDD

You can use directional boring when the traditional boring system might not work at its best. Moreover, you are free to employ HDD in various soil conditions – so that doesn’t restrict you because of your location. 

Plus, you can install many types of pipes, such as PVC, steel, ductile iron, polyethylene, and polypropylene, giving you the freedom to choose your set.

Wrapping Up

If you plan to install conduits or pipelines near your home, directional boring is your best pick. Additionally, with lesser soil disturbances and a reduction in groundwater contamination, you will also be helping the environment along the way.