Fertility Issues and the Reasons There


Female sterility or infertility is more and more widespread in France, an increase over 20 years due in particular to environmental and behavioral factors. We take stock with the gynecological surgeon. Make a visit to https://www.balancefertility.co.uk for the best results.

To start a pregnancy, the woman must have “at least”:

  • Regular and good quality ovulation
  • A permeable collar and tubes
  • Good quality mucus
  • A uterine lining (endometrium)
  • Contact with sperm.

Woman’s fertility: the tests and exams to do

Almost a quarter of couples fail to have a child after one year of trying without contraception and more than 10% still fail two years later. Largely dependent on the age of the woman and the frequency of sexual intercourse, fertility can be modified by pathological causes, female, male or mixed. Hence the importance of fertility checks.

Causes of female infertility

The main causes can in particular be:

A genital infection caused by STDs (Chlamydiae, gonococci,) or other types of germs that can affect the cervix (cervicitis) or the tubes (salpingitis).

Chlamydia: symptoms, transmission, causes and treatment of this STI

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Symptoms in men and women, screening test, the most effective treatments.

Gonococcus: symptoms and treatments for gonorrhea

Gonorrhea (gonorrhea or “hot piss”) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a gonococcus. On the increase in France, it can be the cause of complications, in particular sterility in women.

Salpingitis, which is acute or chronic inflammation of the fallopian tubes (ducts that connect the ovaries and the uterus), usually caused by infections. In almost half of the cases, the infection is triggered by Chlamydiae. Gonococci and mycoplasma germs can also be involved. They cause tubal obliteration directly or through adhesions.

Ectopic pregnancy (GEU): the after-effects of an ectopic pregnancy (the tube duct is partially or totally blocked) or the consequences of surgery.

Ectopic pregnancy (GEU): how to detect it?

Approximately 2% of pregnancies are said to be ectopic, which therefore concerns 15,000 women each year. Signs, causes, diagnosis.

Endometriosis, which is a gynecological anomaly: the endometrial tissue that lines the lining of the inside of the uterus, which is normally eliminated during menstruation, is found outside the uterus, for example in the fallopian tubes or of the peritoneum. “This tissue located outside the uterus can create inflammation in the pelvis and can block the tubes or ovaries and prevent fertilization”, insists the doctor.

Endometriosis: definition, stages, operation

Endometriosis is a chronic disease of the endometrium. The main symptoms are severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, sexual intercourse, great fatigue.

Exposure to distilbene can cause an abnormality of the tubes but also malformations of the uterus. Distilbene is a drug prescribed to approximately 200,000 women between 1950 and 1977. This treatment was then indicated to prevent miscarriages. Following numerous complications, its use was banned in France in 1977. This phenomenon remains exceptional.

Ovulation disorders: In the event of anovulation, ovulation is completely absent. In the event of dysovulation, it is of lower quality. Ovulation disorders involve failure or poor production of a fertilizable oocyte. They are at the origin of most cases of female infertility and concern more than 3 cases out of 10. The origin is often an imbalance of hormonal production whether it is of ovarian origin such as polycystic ovaries but also of other organs (pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, pancreas.) They can also occur in the event of early menopause.