Outpatient Drug Detox – How it Works and How Long it Takes


Drug addiction is a menace that can affect one’s life negatively. However, when one gets over the addiction, they should expect to undergo a detox process that lasts anywhere from 7 to 14 days. The exact duration depends on the abused substance and the addiction duration. 

Generally, most people struggle with addiction recovery on their own because of the dreadful detox phase. However, with the support of a caring professional partner such as Taylor Recovery, it is possible to walk this complex yet vital path confidently. The team at the facility will help you through the outpatient or inpatient recovery program you choose and make things easier for you.

Is professional Supervision Necessary for Outpatient Recovery?

The intervention or involvement of a professional medic through your recovery and detox journey depends on some factors. First, it is essential to know whether you have been addicted to the substance to the point of becoming dependent on it. In such a case, withdrawal symptoms can be severe and lead to medical complications once you stop consuming the said substance. 

It is a significant concern, and professional monitoring and intervention are advised. You do not want to deal with a situation where the side effects take such a massive toll on you that it risks your health and well-being. 

However, in cases of mild or moderate addiction, one can go through the detox process without the close monitoring of a professional medic. All one may need is the proper guidance to help them cope with whatever withdrawal effects they face. Whatever your case is, it is best to have advice from addiction professionals with experience. This is where Taylor Recovery in Houston comes in.

What Does an Outpatient Detox Program Entail?

Whether you recover at a detox facility or prefer to do it at home, getting the support of people who are committed to helping you get sober is essential. The journey begins with evaluating your medical history and other aspects of life that could affect your recovery. Some addicts have to go through therapy sessions even before the process commences. The idea is to prepare you for what is likely to come. Some of the expected withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Insomnia and fatigue
  • Clammy and sweaty skin
  • Hallucinations and confusions
  • Depression, anxiety, and paranoia
  • Intense cravings for the substance after a few days of the detox 

You may need medically assisted detox as part of your recovery, especially if you struggle with withdrawal symptoms.

Get in touch with Taylor Recovery, a call away, and plan your treatment and detox journey. A detox may be the most challenging part of the recovery journey, but it can become stronger and substance-free with the proper support.